Vegetable Processing
Waste from vegetable processing can be one of the most demanding pumping applications, especially when chopping and pumping are required. To protect downstream equipment and improve equipment longevity, Hayward Gordon’s ChopX line of chopper pumps incorporate special hardened-tool steel impellers and cutter bars rated Rockwell hardness RC60. The ChopX is a dual-function pump for cutting and pumping solids and provides excellent size reduction capabilities.
Larger solids and abrasive materials, which do not need size reduction and often clog and wear out more traditional non-clog pumps, are easily managed by our Torus Recessed Impeller Pump. The Torus is a genuine vortex/recessed pump and is highly effective at handling abrasive slurries and sludges, sand, gravel, and fluid with high gas entrainment. It is truly the ultimate in abrasive solids handling pumps; available construction includes Super Ni-Hard with a Brinell Hardness rating of up to 650.
Our XCS Screw Centrifugal Pump offers significant advantages for pumping various vegetables or fruit for hydro-transfer applications without damaging them. Stringy solids, shear-sensitive fluids, and more delicate materials easily and efficiently pass through the XCS screw pump due to the long single-channel impeller, which produces high flow at relatively low total dynamic heads. The XCS pump is very effectively used for pumping oil and water without emulsification.
Vegetable and canola oil processers utilize our low-shear all-stainless-steel mixers to produce uniformly blended and consistent quality oils. The full gasket housings and vapor seal where the shaft enters the mixer ensure that no contamination can enter your product due to the mixer drive.
Supplying The Expertise You Expect
Damaged vegetables have little value, so our low shear screw pump can process whole vegetables in water without wrecking them, saving you time and money. Our equipment is reliable, durable – our bearings can operate up to 100,000 hours - easy to maintain and simple to operate.
Our low shear XCS screw centrifugal pumps can handle whole vegetables, passing them without damage. The pump size range is from 4” to 20” with the ability to pass solid sizes from 3” to 9” in diameter. For services where abrasive grit is involved, the pumps are supplied in High Chrome to ensure longevity.
Providing The Product You Need
Our pumps and mixers are durable, reliable, and designed to have a Long Time Between Failures (MTBF). Our equipment is simple to install and easy to maintain. All those features increase your productivity, decrease your equipment downtime, improve your efficiency, and maximize your success.
We provide the most complete and comprehensive portfolio of rotating equipment solutions - mixers and pumps - for your application. We are your perfect process partner.
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Contact UsDelivering the Service You Deserve
EBARA HG and EBARA Mixers provide the most complete and comprehensive portfolio of rotating equipment solutions - mixers and pumps - for your application. We also deliver the reliability, experience, quality and expertise you need to make high-quality products, reduce processing time, reduce operating costs, improve product quality and increase profitability.




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Our team provides the most complete and comprehensive portfolio of rotating equipment solutions - mixers and pumps - for your application. We are your perfect process partner.